Tuesday Aug 21, 2012

the English Essay regardless of success or failure , but seek to do the best you

audio download [ right click save as ] If you can't be a pine on the top of the hill If when you can not be a pine on the top of the hill , Be a scrub in the valley --- but be doing the scrub in the valley --- but be the best little scrub by the side of the rill; doing brook best small tree ; Be a for bush if you can not be a tree when you can not be a tree a bush , magento templates If you can't be a bush be a bit of grass - not be a bush can do And some highway happier make grass - but be sure to do the happiest roadside grass . If you can not be a muskie then just be a bass - If you are not a big barracuda on a perch , But the liveliest bass in the lake ! But to do the most lively Huli bass ! We can not All be captains . , We've got to be crew , we can not all be captains , to be crew , There 's something for all of us here , everyone has their own thing , There's big work to do , and there's lesser to do, some things , some things , and the task you must do is the the near proximity of you to complete the task . If you can't be a highway then just be a trail,magento template If you can not be a highway just be a trail , If you can not be the sun be a star ; if it can not do the sun be a star ; It isn't by size that you win or you fail - to determine success or failure is not your size - Be the best of whatever you are as long as you do best ! //www.buymagentotemplates.com/

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